Toothache not only causes discomfort. It can be sharp, acute, aching, and can interfere with business meetings or conferences, ruin the experience of watching a movie. Because of it, a person cannot eat or sleep, it is difficult for them to concentrate on work tasks, and they may quarrel with loved ones. If you are struck by a bout of toothache, you need to see a doctor. But if it is not possible to do so immediately, use the advice from the staff of the AESTHETE dental clinic – they explain how to quickly get rid of painful sensations.
Causes of toothache
There are many reasons why teeth may hurt. Thinning of the enamel – it does not have nerve endings, but if its layer becomes thinner, sensitivity to hot or cold, sweet or sour, or temperature changes increases. Caries – it thins the enamel. This disease also destroys dentin, which also has no nerve endings. But when carious cavities form, the pulp located under the dentin layer reacts sensitively to external stimuli. Pulpitis – the disease occurs when the pulp, the soft core of the tooth, which contains blood vessels and nerve bundles, is affected. Sharp tooth pain in most cases directly indicates the onset of pulpitis. In treatment, the inflamed pulp is most often removed, the canals are carefully cleaned, and then filled. Periodontitis – inflammation of the periodontium, the soft tissue surrounding the tooth and holding it in its socket. There are few nerve endings in these tissues, but they are present, so pain sensations can arise. They are usually aching, pulling. Periosteal lesions – periostitis, inflammation of the dense connective tissue that surrounds the jawbone. The causes of the inflammatory process may be pulpitis, periodontitis, gingivitis. Gum inflammation can also cause toothache, which is more likely to be aching rather than sharp.
Painful sensations can arise for other reasons, such as:
- after whitening or professional tooth cleaning – often after these procedures, the teeth become more sensitive for a while;
- due to root canal filling – usually moderate or mild pain lasts for 3-5 days after the procedure, then goes away on its own;
- after tooth extraction – also, as a rule, lasts for 3-5 days;
- after implantation – the installation of implants is a surgical intervention, and pain that lasts up to 10 days is a normal body reaction.
If quite a lot of time has passed after treatment or implantation, and the pain sensations persist, do not weaken, or even intensify, you need to make an appointment with a doctor as soon as possible.
What can toothache be confused with
In some situations, a person thinks that their teeth hurt. But in fact, the painful sensations are caused by other reasons. Stress, nervous tension, overwork. All this can cause an unpleasant feeling resembling toothache. This especially often happens at night. ENT diseases – sinusitis, sinus infections, rhinitis. Doctors often encounter cases where small children cannot accurately explain where and what hurts. But even adult patients are not always able to give a precise answer. Inflammation of the trigeminal nerve, which lies close to the roots of the teeth. Due to the inflammatory process, aching pain may occur along the jaw, so it seems that the teeth hurt.
Can you endure toothache?
Persistence, willpower, and a high pain threshold allow a person to endure for a long time until the pain sensations subside. You can take painkillers, then it will be easier to temporarily solve the problem. But in any case, you should not postpone a visit to the doctor. Pain indicates a disease of the teeth or gums. It will not disappear or go away on its own. It can only be treated by diagnosing the issue and developing a treatment strategy. At the onset of unexpected sensitivity, unpleasant or painful sensations when biting, you should consult a dentist. In this case, there is a high likelihood that expensive procedures will not be necessary, and depulpation can be avoided. However, a delay of a week or two can lead to complications. Then the treatment will take more time and cost more. The fact that you have stopped feeling pain does not mean that the disease has passed. On the contrary, it is a bad signal. It indicates that the nerve endings have died, and they can no longer transmit signals to the brain. The inflammatory process continues. This can lead to periodontitis, periostitis, abscesses, or cysts. If the infection enters the blood or lymph, it will spread to other organs. The consequences can be sinusitis, inflammation of the joints or heart muscle. The worst-case scenario is blood poisoning, which can be fatal. All of this means that enduring tooth pain is possible, but it should not be an end in itself. The problem cannot be solved without visiting a dentist.
Home Remedies for Toothache
Painful sensations indicate an inflammatory process. Therefore, it is important to stop the inflammation and reduce the swelling. Often, the problem is solved with NSAIDs – nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. But when using them, it is necessary to be careful and pay attention to the instructions. NSAIDs: are mostly not recommended for pregnant women, breastfeeding women, and children; are incompatible with alcohol – this sharply increases the load on the liver; negatively affect the intestinal and stomach lining, so people with gastrointestinal diseases should not take them too often. There are ways to relieve or reduce the pain at home to hold out until you can see a dentist.
Cold compress
Apply ice wrapped in a cloth or napkin to your cheek. You can use a bag of frozen vegetables from the freezer. Cold constricts blood vessels, reduces swelling, and slows the spread of infection. It also temporarily blocks the transmission of nerve signals. Do not apply ice directly to the skin. This can lead to frostbite. The effect should be prolonged but not direct, meaning there should be a cloth or package between the skin and the ice. This method is not suitable for people who experience increased sensitivity to cold. In their case, an ice compress will only increase the pain.
Hot compress
Raising the temperature can stimulate bacterial reproduction. Swelling can also cause harm to the body. The fact is that swelling is the body's reaction to illness, indicating that more blood is directed to the affected area. Heating can increase inflammation and swelling. However, if tooth pain is caused by clenching the jaws, it makes sense to use a hot compress. It will help relax the muscles, relieve tension or spasms that increase pain. You can fold the cloth into several layers and moisten it with hot water. An alternative solution is a bag filled with water and wrapped in a towel or napkin. Another option is a heating pad. Be careful not to burn yourself.
Thorough tooth cleaning
This method should be used if the pain is caused by pieces of food stuck between the teeth. It is difficult to remove popcorn kernels, berry seeds, sesame seeds, or poppy seeds. When stuck, they create an unpleasant feeling of pressure. Take dental floss or an interdental brush and carefully clean the gaps between your teeth, then rinse your mouth. Using a toothbrush will also be helpful. Be careful not to cause further irritation. Removing stuck food particles is also necessary because they promote the growth of harmful bacteria. This can lead to tooth decay.
Over-the-counter pain relievers
Pharmacies offer various pain-relieving medications that can be bought without a prescription. NSAIDs or nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) will be particularly helpful as they inhibit the production of prostaglandins – substances that increase the sensitivity of receptors to pain mediators. They also help reduce swelling and inflammation. "Ibuprofen," "Naproxen," and other drugs in this category are inexpensive. They should be taken according to the instructions, paying attention to dosage and contraindications.
It is important:
- not to take multiple NSAIDs simultaneously – this will not increase effectiveness but can lead to health problems;
- to understand that taking such drugs only temporarily relieves pain, and you will still need to see a doctor.
If you're going on a trip, make sure to include these medications in your first aid kit. If you're traveling with a child, bring pain relievers suitable for children. You should have instructions on hand so you can check the allowable dosage at any time.
Fresh garlic
Garlic contains allicin, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties. It can be used in different ways. One option is to peel a fresh clove of garlic and chew it. Another is to crush a clove into a paste, mix it with salt, and apply it to the affected area. Both options may not be very pleasant, and those around you will have to tolerate the garlic smell from your mouth. But it’s better than suffering from pain. An alternative option is to cut a clove in half, apply it to the wrist where the pulse is felt, and secure it with a plaster or bandage. Keep the garlic in place until the pain subsides, but don't leave it too long to avoid burning the skin.
Rinsing with warm salt water
This is an old remedy that works well for mild to moderate pain caused by tooth decay. Dissolve a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water, then rinse your mouth with the solution. You can add a couple of drops of iodine.
Warm salt water:
- provides a disinfecting effect, kills bacteria;
- reduces osmotic pressure in tissues and thus relieves swelling;
- reduces inflammation;
- helps remove small food particles stuck between teeth or in other hard-to-reach places.
This solution can be used to alleviate discomfort after eating. It’s also useful for rinsing the mouth to reduce pain after endodontic treatment – cleaning and filling root canals.
Rinsing with hydrogen peroxide
You can also use "Furacilin," "Miramistin," or "Chlorhexidine." The main thing is that the solution should not be highly concentrated, so be sure to read the instructions before preparing it. A high-concentration solution can burn the oral mucosa.
This remedy:
- provides natural disinfection, kills harmful microorganisms;
- softens dental plaque;
- reduces inflammation;
- eases the condition in cases of inflammatory diseases of the gums and oral mucosa – gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis.
While rinsing, you can also remove food stuck between your teeth.
What not to do
- Do not take painkillers in large quantities, ignoring the dosage. Do not take them for extended periods, especially if you have stomach or intestinal problems. Do not take antibiotics without a doctor's prescription.
- Do not do this, even if relatives or friends say it helped them once.
- Do not drink hot tea or coffee. The temperature of food and drinks should be at room temperature. Lying flat without a pillow is also the wrong decision.
- When a person is in such a position, blood flows more to the affected area, increasing the pain.
When to go to a dentist for tooth pain
None of the methods mentioned in this article is a substitute for a visit to the doctor. Tooth pain unambiguously indicates that you need to see a dentist. But there are signs of serious problems. It may be a matter of purulent complications – the doctor will determine this using diagnostic methods.
You should not delay visiting the doctor in the following cases:
- you cannot relieve or reduce tooth pain in any way, even increased doses of painkillers do not help;
- you have a fever, and it is not possible to lower it – a temperature of 38°C or higher is especially alarming;
- your cheek is swollen;
- your gum is swollen, and there is an abscess on it;
- there is a foul odor from your mouth;
- it is difficult to chew and swallow food. In such situations, you can skip making an appointment. You will be seen without waiting;
- just explain to the administrator that you are in acute pain.
If the pain occurs at night, look online for an emergency dental clinic that operates 24/7. Timely contact with a doctor increases the likelihood that the tooth can be saved and helps prevent serious health problems.
The AESTHETE dental clinic is located in Dubai (UAE), Bluewaters Island. It is a modern medical center where experienced doctors use advanced methods to treat teeth for both children and adults. Our specialists will diagnose, develop a treatment strategy based on the individual characteristics of the patient, and carry out the necessary procedures. They will give recommendations on how to relieve tooth pain and advise preventive measures to reduce the likelihood of developing tooth and gum diseases. The clinic's administrators are ready to answer questions. They will help you choose a time to visit the dentist and schedule a consultation.